Practical JavaScript Fuzzing

event 2018-06-17 (Day 2) ~ 16:50 - 17:20
explore Conference Hall 4-5
comment English
network_check Advanced
comment English
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In previous HKOSCONs, I gave talks on introductions to fuzzing. In this session, I will give a demonstration on how to set up the open source funfuzz framework to test the SpiderMonkey engine on the Gecko platform, used in Firefox browsers.

Gary Kwong

Gary Kwong

Mozilla Corporation / United States

Gary Kwong is a senior security engineer at Mozilla and a long-time member of its community. He specialises in running JavaScript fuzzers that rigorously test SpiderMonkey - the JavaScript engine of the Gecko platform on which Mozilla Firefox is based. Gary is passionate about global cultures, languages and West Coast Swing / classic Hustle dancing.

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