MySQL Fault Tolerant Best Practice - Lesson Learned from cases that I experienced

event 2018-06-17 (Day 2) ~ 12:30 - 13:00
explore Conference Hall 6
comment Mandarin
network_check Intermediate
comment Mandarin
network_check Intermediate

This session will share you the benefits, disadvantages and possible pitfalls of various with MySQL High Availability solutions (including shared storage plus Clusterware, Master-slave replication, Group Replication, and DB Cluster) and how to avoid the pitfall. I also will concludes my experience from several MySQL implementation projects, hope you may learn how to apply the right solutions for your applications and how to make the best from those solutions.

Ivan Tu

Ivan Tu

Taiwan MySQL User Group / Taiwan

At Oracle Japan & APAC Sales Consultant team since 2010. my job is helping  MySQL users and customers adopt MySQL, and promoting MySQL techniques in this region, I also organizes MySQL User Group Community in Taiwan.

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