Blockchain for creative contents: What we do in LikeCoin

event 2018-06-16 (Day 1) ~ 14:00 - 14:30
explore Conference Hall 6
comment English
network_check Beginner
comment English
network_check Beginner

LikeCoin is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain. Using the power of smart contract, we enable easier user attribution and cross-platform collaboration on creative contents.

In this session, we will describe the idea, algorithm and open source technology we use, how we collaborate with partners and how can everyone join in our effort.


Aludirk Wong

Aludirk Wong

LikeCoin Foundation / Hong Kong

Aludirk is a system architect of the LikeCoin Foundation, an open source blockchain based project to reinvent the Like by realigning creativity and reward. He is interested in system design, deep learning and blockchain technology.

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