
Preparing for the App-ocalypse: The Web in the Age of Physical Computing

Ubiquitous physical computing is here, blurring what is digital and real in our daily experience. Join me for an interactive tour of how to create digital+physical experiences on the web with IoT, AR, VR and other emerging technologies.

Day 2 (10th June) 02:20 PM - 02:50 PM
Function Room 1 and 2
English (English Slides)
For Coders and Tech Audiences with General Knowledge and Skills.
Front-end web technology stack: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Photo of Dietrich Ayala

Dietrich Ayala Dietrich

Dietrich Ayala has been working for internet freedom for over a decade at Mozilla, the non-profit makers of the Firefox web browser, where's he's shipped open source software to hundreds of millions of people. A developer, writer and speaker, he’s currently traveling Asia helping schools, businesses and governments use the web to make emerging technologies like IoT, AR and VR accessible to everyone.

Nationality: United States
Company: Mozilla