Ubiquitous physical computing is here, blurring what is digital and real in our daily experience. Join me for an interactive tour of how to create digital+physical experiences on the web with IoT, AR, VR and other emerging technologies.
HKOSCon 2017LIVE at #HKOSCon2017
Hong Kong Open Source Conference 香港開源年會
Day 2 (10th June) 02:20 PM - 02:50 PM
Function Room 1 and 2
English (English Slides)
For Coders and Tech Audiences with General Knowledge and Skills.
Front-end web technology stack: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Dietrich Ayala Dietrich
Dietrich Ayala has been working for internet freedom for over a decade at Mozilla, the non-profit makers of the Firefox web browser, where's he's shipped open source software to hundreds of millions of people. A developer, writer and speaker, he’s currently traveling Asia helping schools, businesses and governments use the web to make emerging technologies like IoT, AR and VR accessible to everyone.
Nationality: United States