
The deep dive in-and-out of MySQL Group Replication

High Available Database Architecture is so important. It is more than just the HA but also scalable design to the demand. MySQL Group Replication is one of the key features in MySQL 5.7 (since the release of 5.7.17). The session will share the setup of MySQL Group Replication together with the MySQL InnoDB Cluster, in which the MySQL Shell, MySQL Router + MySQL Group Replication architecture go together to form a scalable and reliable db infrastructure to your application(s).

Day 2 (10th June) 04:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Training Theatre
Cantonese (English Slides)
For Coders and Tech Audiences with General Knowledge and Skills.
As long as you are the application developers, you need a DB. As long as you care about your data, you need a reliable DB.


Ivan Ma

Ivan Ma is the MySQL User Group Lead in Hong Kong. He has over 20+ years of experience in enterprise system infrastructure and software technologies. He has certification on MySQL DBA 5.6, MySQL Developer 5.1 and MySQL Cluster 5.1 DBA.

He joined MySQL, is currently MySQL Principal Sales Consultant, Asia Pacific with Oracle, responsible for pre-sales consulting, technical education, and product promotions.

Prior to joining MySQL team, he joined Oracle in System Team from Sun Mircosystems acquisition. Prior to Sun Microsystems, he was Principal Solution Architect with Sybase APAC covering APAC regions.

Nationality: Hong Kong
Company: MySQL