

但是去中心化只是手段,更好的社群才是目的。去中心化平台該如何處理不良內容,克服內容審核的不可能三角?去中心化社群媒體,很多人都聽過Mastodon,那你有聽過近期流行的Bluesky Social 嗎?Mastodon有什麼不好要去開發新的網絡協定?社群媒體演算法對用戶是壞東西?

從Mastodon到Bluesky Social,講者會分享去中心化社群媒體面對的內容審核難題,從技術角度深入解構兩個系統架構上的取捨。可是到最後,會發現最難的從來不是技術問題,還是人的問題。


Ka Cheong Chu

Ka Cheong Chu

AT Protocol Contributor / Hong Kong

Open source contributor to AT Protocol and Farcaster, Director at Internet Society Hong Kong, Ex-Apple Software Engineer.

Ka-Cheong, the Director of Internet Society Hong Kong and an open-source contributor to AT Protocol and Farcaster, leads a discussion on the future of a decentralized social internet. Explore how these emerging protocols could replace traditional, capitalistic social networks like Twitter, and delve into the possibilities, challenges, and implications of such a transformation.

Website created by Open Source Hong Kong.