Meteor, the Ultimate Framework for i18n Apps

Speaker: Daniel Chcouri (Israel)

Language: English (with English Slides)

Category: OS Platform (Meteor)

Tag: meteorjs

Photo of Daniel Chcouri

About Speaker

Manager of the Hong Kong Meteor Group and CEO of MeteorSpark a Hong Kong based Meteor consultancy.

I have been a UNIX full stack web developer for the better part of a decade now. My main interest these days is in web API development, both for the open source community and for companies to make their data easily accessible to third-party developers. I consider API design and implementation the best manifestation of the knowledge, capabilities and opinions that I've acquired in my career thus far.

About the Topic

Meteor is a complete open source platform for building web and mobile apps in pure JavaScript.

In the talk I'll introduce you to the framework and its revolutionary development paradigm. I'll highlight its unique outstanding support for application internationalization (i18n).