
Build a cross-platform game in Haxe

The Haxe programming language is well known for its wide range of compilation targets. It is possible to compile a single Haxe code base to JavaScript, Java, C#, Python, C++, PHP, Lua, and more.

Let's have some hands-on experience with the Haxe by building a simple game that is totally cross-platform - runs on desktops, mobiles, and browsers. We will explore Haxe’s modern language design and study how it produce performance efficient outputs.

Day 2 (10th June) 11:30 AM - 01:20 PM
Training Room 1
English (English Slides)
For Coders and Tech Audiences with General Knowledge and Skills.
Participants should have programming experience with at least one programming language. Proficiency with JavaScript, Java, or C# is ideal, but experience with other languages such as C/C++, Python, or Ruby is also sufficient. Participants should have some familiarity using the command line.
Participants should bring their own laptop computer, with either Windows, Mac, or Linux installed. Participants should read the preparation instruction and install the required software detailed in


Photo of Andy Li

Andy Li Andy

Andy Li is a member of the Haxe Foundation. He obtained his PhD in the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. He is interested in programming language theories as well as mobile user interface, interactivity, installation art and generative graphics.

He works in TCL Research (HK) as a senior researcher, in which he works with the Virtual Reality team that develops new motion tracking systems, VR development tools, and custom VR contents.

Nationality: Hong Kong
Photo of Kevin Leung

Kevin Leung

Kevin Leung has been working in the actuarial field when he finds out his real interest to be programming. From GW Basic on a 80286 to Haxe on a Mac, Kevin is enthusiastic in learning new technology and always wishes to create something interesting in the beauty of code. He is now a full-stack developer in a startup company.

Nationality: Hong Kong